5 Bad Designs That Invite an Impending Revolution

Sarah Naeem
4 min readJun 25, 2021


It is said that a well designed product is easier to look past than a poorly designed one. Because it’s unobtrusive — a quality one often overlooks while thinking of design. The easier it is to use a product or a service, the more unnoticeable it becomes. Humans tend to ignore and appreciate easy and doable things, like drinking water out of a container, and take them for granted. Which is why it gets tougher to spot examples of good design.

Bad designs on the other hand summon hate. Because they are apparent and makes the user aware of their existence due to the discomfort a user might face because of them. A person is more likely to pinpoint a bad design/ product because of their unconscious ignorance of a good one.

A product/ service or a design can be judged harshly on one quality that supersedes all other qualities — Functionality. Unless and until a product fulfils a purpose, it cannot be a good one. However fancy looking or visually pleasing it might be. If it is not useable or useful, it is unnecessary.

Here are some examples of bad designs that might invite protests and revolution because frankly, they should be banned.

Women's Jeans Pockets

How do you know Jeans God is a man? Women's jeans pockets. With pockets ridiculously designed to hold no more than a coin each, women’s jeans pockets are a cause for an impending feminist revolution.

Women jeans pockets are designed to have such tiny pockets, that it makes one wonder if huge, chunky women handbag industry and jeans makers are a part of one big conspiracy to keep both in business.

Apple’s No Headphone Jack Slot

Is a basic headphone/ earphone jack too much to ask of Apple? It was difficult enough to maintain their charging cable and prevent it from tearing. Now they’re mandating their users’ behavior by not only not giving a basic headphone jack but also not providing a separate jack all together. Its outrageously illogical and to some extinct unethical. Really, where do we draw a line with Apple?

Two-wheeled luggage

An absolute nightmare for over-packers, these suitcases fall over on their tummy at the slightest provocation. They demand to be pulled around by their hind (only) wheels, meaning the user has to drag around these bags, carrying all the weight on their wrist.

Rigid Ice Packs

These ice packs are more ice bricks that honestly do no good for injuries on heads, shoulders, knees or elbows. Their inflexibility is a huge challenge and a person as clumsy as I am is more likely to get hurt because of them than heal. They belong nowhere because their mouths are ceiled off and can only be used to store as completely useless bricks of ice that absolutely do nothing other than sit in my fridge because I bought them.

Bad Electrical Extension

They took a really good design and turned it into a bad one when they made close built sockets on these extensions. They fail to solve their primary purpose — to use multiple sockets at the same time.


These and so many other products could use some amount of empathy — a quality extremely important for designers to possess. Lack of which helped create one of the most infuriating designs in my opinion.

Especially the Jeans Pockets. WHY CAN’T WOMEN HAVE BIGGER POCKETS? UGH!

Thank you for coming to my rant. Comment below if you want to connect to rant together.

